Aardwyrd Wiki

Starting in the small Halfling of Buttersmill, two Halflings, two brothers Cade and Shanks Hillcrest find themselves among the destruction of their homes. From the dark mists the dead had risen from their graves and beset the defenseless Halfling village. Quickly fleeing with their stricken grandmother the Hillcrest brother set off to Pinefarrow looking for refuge. After 10 days of hard travel the brothers manage to arrive in Pinefarrow alive with their grandmother. After meeting with Daliha a bargain is struck that the Hillcrest family could settle in Pinefarrow if the eldest brother Cade opens a medical clinic.

After settling into his new home the younger brother Shanks finds himself with the ire of the Castellan, after being caught sneaking around the lower parts of the tower and is quickly thrown into the dungeon. There Shanks awaited the return of the towers masters from their excursion to the Wyvern Wastes to face his judgement.

Shanks wouldn't have to wait long arriving back to Pinefarrow just in time for the Summer end festival the heros arrives from their adventure in the Tower of Hadrian. Shanks was sentenced to a sort of probation, to be given a chance as a scout under the tutelage of Raiel and hopefully reform his ways.
